Elements of Fiction Writing
Date(s) - February 6, 2020
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
MBG Larkins Classroom
Creative Writing at The Gardens. (Six Sessions, Thursdays, 1-3, starting February 6) Creating and telling stories, especially stories from our lives—people, places, and events that shaped us. Exploring the elements of creative writing, both fiction and nonfiction. Getting words onto paper. Join us on Thursday afternoons to feed the creativity within you. Yes—you can tell your stories!
Instructor: Linda Busby Parker, Ph.D., MFA – Professor, Writer, Publisher, Editor
Thursday afternoons from 1pm – 3pm.
Thurs, Feb. 6th
Thurs Feb 13th
Thurs Fed 20th
Skip Feb 27th and March 5th
Thurs March 12th
Week of Spring Plant Sale TBD by class vote (tentatively Wed 18th)
Thurs March 26th
Members $135
NonMember $160
To register, please Email Us or call (251)342-0555 (feel free to leave a message)