April Organization Member of the Month
Congratulations to our April Member Organization of the Month, The Azalea City Quilters‘ Guild!
The history of this organization began back in 1976 when the bicentennial activities in the Mobile area included a quilt lecture and exhibit at FAMOS (Fine Arts Museum of the South) in conjunction with the Birmingham Museum. The event was so popular that many hoped it would result in a rebirth of quilting activity. Friends were made at local fabric stores. A new quilt shop, Quilts and Calico, opened and the air was abuzz with the idea of forming a quilting group.
A group of women took the initiative and persuaded the owner of the quilt shop to let them have an organizational meeting there. They called the museum for a phone list, set a time and date, put out flyers, placed an ad in the newspaper and then nervously waited to see how many interested ladies would show up. On June 16, 1980 twenty-six women attended that first meeting and 16 of them paid $10 dues to start a quilter’s guild.
The Azalea City Quilters’ Guild is a 501 (C) (3) non-profit organization. Its purpose is: to promote the appreciation of quilting, while members develop their skills and learn new techniques. Members share an interest in the art of quilting and join together to educate the public about this beautiful American art form.
The Guild members exemplify a vast array of talents and skill levels. Several ACQG members have been published in various quilt related publications and have taught around the Southeast. Members have also entered their work in area, national and international shows.
They are having their Festival of Quilts Return to Traditions show at the Abba Shrine Center, May 12th & 13th. There are over 300 quilts with dazzling designs and mastered techniques on display. There will also be demonstrations for those looking to learn techniques and several participating vendors
Mark your calendars: Friday, May 12th & Saturday, May 13th | 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Tickets are $10
$5 for children 5- 12
Children 4 and under are FREE

Thanks so much for your support of our guild. Mobile has an exciting and active arts community. The Azalea City Art Quilters will have a display at the show. We had such a good show at your place.