
April Exhibition: “FIVE”

“Five” is a juried exhibition of work by students from the area’s five colleges and universities, sponsored every other year by the Mobile Arts Council (MAC). The 2022 exhibition will be displayed in MAC’s Gallery @ Room 1927 from Wednesday, April 6th through Friday, April 29th, with a reception and awards presentation during the LoDa ArtWalk on Friday, April 8th at 7:00 p.m.

The exhibition is open to any student – not only students studying art – enrolled during any part of the 2021 – 2022 academic year at Bishop State Community College, Coastal Alabama Community College, Spring Hill College, the University of Mobile, or the University of South Alabama. Students could submit up to three pieces in any medium/style, created while enrolled in their current school. Students received a free, one-year MAC membership for applying, as well as cash prizes for the winners.

This year, we received 97 submissions from 34 students. Thank you to our judge, Valerie George, for jurying the pieces that make up this exhibition, and thank you to all of the students and professors who make this wonderful competition possible!

Congratulations to this year’s FIVE winners: Best of Show, Micah Mermilliod; Second Place, Summer Hill; Third Place, Leia Carter; Judge’s Choice, Chase Essary; Judge’s Choice, Peri Carr; and Judge’s Choice, Kennedy Sarrazin. Winners received cash, gift certificates, and other prizes for courtesy of Lupercalia Art Society, Sophiella Gallery, Mobile Art Association, Mobile Arts Council, and Ashland Gallery. See the winning entries below, and view photos of the exhibition on our April ArtWalk Facebook album.


  1. Charles Moss on March 31, 2022 at 10:33 pm

    Hi, this is Charlie Moss, public service director at FM TALK 106.5 in Mobile. Every day and night we air free public service announcements. When you have events coming up, we would like to help with free publicity. Our station is heard in all of Baldwin and Mobile counties plus some adjacent areas in Florida and Mississippi.
    At least two weeks before the event please email me you information. Please include a contact phone number and/or website where listeners can get more information.
    My email is:
    Charlie Moss

    • mobilearts on May 10, 2022 at 4:20 pm

      Thanks so much, Charlie! We will be reaching out soon about our upcoming fundraiser.

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