Poetry Out Loud 2021-22
Every year Alabama high school students, grades 9th through 12th, are invited to participate in the Poetry Out Loud National Recitation Contest. By performing poetry, students can master public speaking skills, build self-confidence, and learn more about literary history and contemporary life. Poetry Out Loud uses a pyramid structure. Beginning at the classroom level, winners advance to school-wide and regional competitions, then to the state, and finally to the national finals in Washington, DC.

This year, our regional competition, which featured students from Baldwin, Butler, and Mobile counties, was held as a hybrid, in-person and virtual, event. Please join us in congratulating this year’s regional winners, and all students who will be advancing to the state competition that will be held in Montgomery, AL in February, 2022!
Anthology Poem Competition:
1st Place: Isabel Oldshue, Cottage Hill Christian Academy
2nd Place: Vivian Gates, Greenville High School
3rd Place: Dwight Williams, Baker High School
Original Poem Competition:
1st Place: Omari Prather, Baker High School
Congratulations to this wonderful group of students! We wish them much luck as they continue their Poetry Out Loud journey at the state competion.