Poetry Out Loud 2020-21
Alabama high school students, grades 9th through 12th, are invited to participate in the Poetry Out Loud National Recitation Contest. By performing poetry, students can master public speaking skills, build self-confidence, and learn more about literary history and contemporary life. Poetry Out Loud uses a pyramid structure. Beginning at the classroom level, winners advance to school-wide and regional competitions, then to the state, and finally to the national finals in Washington, DC.
2020 Changes:

- Workshops and competitions are 100% virtual.
- Students can sign up independently of their schools.
- The 2020 Social Challenge Poem Competition has been added. Students can choose to participate in this competition by writing one original poem that reflects on anything 2020.
- Eligible National Poetry Out Loud Competition poems are found on www.poetryoutloud.org.
- Students write, memorize and recite their own poems for the State Original Poetry Out Loud Competition.
Sign up today as a school or a student. For more information, visit Alabama State Council on the Arts online. For questions, email the regional coordinator at aswain@mobilearts.org.