Donate to MAC’s GoFundMe!
We want to thank all of those that have donated and continue to give to the Downtown Mobile Alliance‘s #DowntownStrong small business fund! Although we have already met our goal of $1,000 in donations to qualify, we still need to recoup $22,000 from canceled events and fundraisers this year. Since making this video, we are excited to announce that we have received funding from the Payment Protection Program as of 5/7/2020.
We’re excited to announce an incentive for those who donate (or have donated). If you give $50 or more to our GoFundMe, you will receive an exclusive 11×14” Van Gogh style Downtown Mobile Print. This painting was created by our Executive Director, Lucy Gafford, in 2014. This original piece was very popular among the community, and many people requested to have prints made. Now they’re finally available, and for a great cause!
We will email those who have donated $50 or more to acquire your address, then safely drop off or mail your print in the upcoming weeks! You can donate online here: https://charity.gofundme.com/o/en/campaign/mobile-arts-council-is-downtown-strong
Your generosity enables us to provide opportunities to artists and arts organizations, create public art, provide educational outreach programming, and more. Thank you for your time and consideration. We hope to be delivering and mailing out a lot of these prints. Stay Strong, Mobile! #MobileStrong