Local Arts


Arts Directory

The Mobile Arts Council Arts Directory is a publicly searchable listing of member artists, arts organizations, and venues in the Greater Mobile area. Browse by name, discipline, locations, and more and view current contact details. It is our hope that this platform will provide an all-inclusive arts resource center for the greater Mobile area.

Follow the link below and upload your information today! Once you have submitted, your business or organization will be able to be seen by anyone who navigates our website. Users will find everything they need on the home page of the directory. From easy navigation to a How-To guide, this new addition will provide an easy space for networking and even easier access to the artistic community that we all know and love.

Any questions regarding Directory accounts should be sent to Sydney Cramer at scramer@mobilearts.org or 251-432-9796.

Arts Calendar

To list your event on our website, click the button to the right and fill out the form.

For questions about the Community Calendar of Events contact us.

Sign up for ArtStart, our weekly collection of all arts events delivered straight to your inbox.

Artist Opportunities

The Mobile Arts Council is pleased to share all current opportunities for artists that have been submitted to us. This list is emailed to MAC members every other week of the month. Please contact the organization listed if you have any questions.

Artist opportunities may be submitted through this form. Want to receive these emails? Sign up to be a MAC member!

Rotary General Fund Grant: The Rotary Club of Mobile established a Rotary General Fund Grant program in 2006 to help local non-profit organizations with capital needs. Through the years, grants have funded a wide range of projects including the following: an addition at the Alabama School of Math & Science, The Rotary Spinal Rehab Unity at Mobile Infirmary, Creation of the Rotary Pediatric Dental Unity at the USA Women & Children’s Hospital, An addition to the Ronald McDonald House, An addition for Wilmer Hall, and Computer equipment for Dumas Wesley Center

Alabama State Council on the Arts: Alabama Arts License Tag Grant Program: The Alabama Arts License Tag Grant Program aims to promote the arts in Alabama, especially arts education, including visual arts, folk arts, and performing arts programming. A six-person volunteer committee governs the program. Committee members serve on a voluntary basis and one member is appointed by each of the following organizations or individuals: the Alabama State Council on the Arts, the Alabama Arts Alliance, the State Department of Education, the Governor, the Lieutenant Governor, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives. Proceeds from the sale of the license plate will be used to fund a variety of arts in education and community arts projects. Buy the Support the Arts plate the next time you renew your registration at your county's vehicle licensing office

National Endowment for the Arts: Call for Grant Review Panelists: Arts Endowment panelists play a central role in reviewing applications for funding. We rely on panels composed of individuals who represent a broad range of artistic and cultural viewpoints, as well as wide geographic and ethnic diversity, to provide advice about the artistic excellence and artistic merit of proposals in a variety of funding categories. Our panels are composed of both arts professionals and knowledgeable laypersons. Most panelists are arts professionals who are qualified by their activities, training, skills, and/or experience in one or more art forms. Every panel also includes a layperson – someone knowledgeable about the arts but not engaged in the arts as a profession either full- or part-time.

Downtown Mobile Alliance: Facade Grant: The Downtown Mobile Alliance will assist with façade improvements for commercial properties located in Downtown Mobile – the area within the Hank Aaron Loop. Applications will be reviewed on a first come first serve basis. See the guidelines for funding requirements and review process. Please submit
completed form to lbowles@downtownmobile.org. Call the DMA office for assistance @ 251-434-8538.

Downtown Mobile Alliance: Signage Improvement Grant: The purpose of the Signage Improvement Grant Program (the “sign grant”) is to provide grants for signage and sign-related lighting improvements to storefront level businesses in Downtown Mobile. It is intended that such improvements will enhance the Downtown Mobile business environment
through better education of customers and visitors as well as enhanced aesthetic values to the streetscape. All applicants and proposed projects must meet the terms, conditions, and other requirements set forth herein to be eligible for a sign grant. The Signage Improvement Grant Program
is being administered by the Downtown Mobile Alliance (the “DMA”) and all questions should be directed to Linda Bowles at (251)434-8498 or via email at lbowles@downtownmobile.org.

Downtown Mobile Alliance: Air Purification Grants: This program is intended to assist business and non-profit tenants as well as property owners who would like to upgrade their building heating and air systems to mitigate the health risks of indoor air during the coronavirus pandemic. Eligible applicants are: 1. Located in downtown within the Downtown
Mobile Business Improvement District or 2. A dues paying member of the Downtown Mobile Alliance and located within the Hank Aaron Loop. If you would like to add a UV/advanced oxidation device to improve the indoor air quality and would like to seek financial assistance through this program, please fill out the attached application.

South Arts: Express Grants: South Arts believes that rural communities deserve great art, and can require specialized support to make that vision viable. Distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis, Express Grants support rural organizations and communities with expedited grants of up to $2,000.

South Arts: Professional Development & Artistic Planning Grants: Professional Development and Artistic Planning Grants are available for organizations to support the professional development needs of Southern presenters, programmers, or curators, strengthen program design, and increase organizational capacity. South Arts strongly believes professional development for presenters/programmers/curators is integral to success, including traveling to see new works and attending convenings. This grant program is open to film, visual arts, performing arts, literary arts and multidisciplinary presenting organizations.

Folk in Five - Alabama Folklife Association: Hear Alabamians describe their traditions in our FOLK IN FIVE videos, then submit your own to alabamafolklife@gmail.com!

Grant - Foundation for Contemporary Arts Emergency: Created in 1993 to further FCA's mission to encourage, sponsor, and promote work of a contemporary, experimental nature, Emergency Grants provide urgent funding for visual and performing artists who: Have sudden, unanticipated opportunities to present their work to the public when there is insufficient time to seek other sources of funding and/or Incur unexpected or unbudgeted expenses for projects close to completion with committed exhibition or performance dates.

Studio Space: Alabama Hues - Art Share, Work Space & Gallery
Alabama Hues strives to foster imagination and creativity in their studio by helping students create beautiful art. The studio is available to book on a day-by-day basis. Visit their website for additional information, or call Bill Appling at 251-973-8667 or email bill@alabamahues.org.

South Arts - Jazz Road Tours                   South Arts Jazz Road Tour Grants are awarded up to $15,000 to USA and territories, musicians, to support performances and tours. This grant program is open to both new and established musicians, solo artists, and musicians who play in an ensemble. Priority will be given to proposals that reach underserved communities and rural areas, especially those that lack opportunities to present live jazz.

Jazz Road Tours will pay grants directly to the artist to cover a portion of the eligible tour expenses including artist fees, travel, housing, meals, backline, road/sound/tour management, and costs related to tour coordination and promotion. The Jazz Road Tours program is designed to help artists earn a living wage while on tour. For more information, visit their site.

Dance, Gymnastics, Musical Theater, and More: Azalea City Center for the Arts    Create. Perform. Inspire.

The Azalea City Center for the Arts is a nonprofit organization in Mobile, Alabama, with a mission to provide opportunities for children and adults to explore the world of artistic expression through quality educational programs, recitals, and performance opportunities that enhance self confidence, encourage personal growth, and strengthen academic and artistic skills.

Classes - The Ballet School: Mobile Ballet Mobile Ballet School & Academy offers superior dance training in a professional and encouraging atmosphere.  We train hundreds of students a year in a range from classical ballet to Broadway style jazz between our primary studios in Mobile and our growing program on the Eastern Shore.

Under the direction of Katia Garza and Kimberley Sears, the Mobile Ballet School features a seasoned faculty as well as renowned guest instructors from around the country.  Master classes, intensives, and other specialized study engage our most determined dancers.  Donor-supported scholarships assist students in class training as well as summer study in an array of renowned programs around the country.  The Mobile Ballet Company includes 30 auditioned positions that join exceptional guest artists in the season’s three signature performances.  Classes are available for students age 3 to adult.

Our mission is a school of classical ballet with a professional dynamic offering an unlimited opportunity for excellence… wherever our dancers’ dreams may take them.

Alabama Arts Alliance: Make Music Alabama Day 2022: Each year, over 1,000 cities around the world throw citywide music celebrations on June 21. It all started 39 years ago in France. In 1982, France’s Ministry of Culture dreamed up an idea for a new kind of musical holiday. They imagined a day where free, live music would be everywhere: street corners and parks, rooftops and gardens, store fronts and mountaintops. And, unlike a typical music festival, anyone and everyone would be invited to join and play music, or host performances. The event would take place on the summer solstice, June 21, and would be called Fête De La Musique. (In French, the name means both “festival of music” and “make music!”) Amazingly enough, this dream has come true. The Fête has turned into a true national holiday: France shuts down on the summer solstice and musicians take over. Almost 8% of the country (5 million people) have played an instrument or sung in public for the Fête de la Musique. Three decades later, the holiday has spread throughout the world and is now celebrated in more than 120 countries. In the U.S., the presenting sponsor is the NAMM Foundation.

Poetry Out Loud: We hope you will consider joining Alabama’s Poetry Out Loud program, as a great way to engage students as they return to your classrooms. National Poetry Out Loud Competition: At this level students choose one poem from the poetryoutloud.org website to memorize and recite for the rest of the class. State Original Poetry Out Loud Competition: students write, memorize, and recite their own poem. Social Justice Poem Competition: students write, memorize, and recite their own poem addressing any topic relevant to social justice and to the student personally. At this level the Social Justice Poem and the Original Poem may be the same poem. Students may opt to participate in one, two, or all three competitions. Schools that have at least 5 classes involving every student participating are eligible to receive a $75.00 grant to support Poetry Out Loud activities. Each participating school will receive materials supplied by the National Endowment for the Arts and the Poetry Foundation. Additional resources may be found at poetryoutloud.org. It is recommended that the student research the poet and/or topic and biographical information on the website. Class champions move forward to a school wide competition to identify a school champion for each of the three competitions. If only one class is participating, the class champion becomes the school champion.

Mobile Symphony String Academy Eastern Shore
Middle and High School String Students in the Eastern Shore! JOIN the Mobile Symphony Eastern Shore String Academy in Fairhope, AL. Play new repertoire, polish your string techniques and learn new ones, perform exciting music, and make new friends that also LOVE playing the violin, viola, cello, or bass! Register online or call (251)432-2010 Attn. Daniela Pardo

Mobile Symphony String Academy
Mobile String Academy: Middle and High School String Students in the Mobile Area JOIN the Mobile Symphony String Academy in Downtown Mobile, AL. Play new repertoire, polish your string techniques and learn new ones, perform exciting music, and make new friends that also LOVE playing the violin, viola, cello, or bass! Register online or call (251) 432-2010.

AAEA Conference 2021: This year’s conference will be in Mobile, Alabama, Friday and Saturday November 12 and 13! The theme is “Illuminate, Ignite, Excite!” with the purpose to re-engage and re-ignite our passion as art educators. To expand upon why we teach art and why the arts matter, we are excited to announce that the Instagram famous, Netflix ‘star,’ Expert Blogger, Art Educator Extraordinaire, Cassie Stephens, will be our guest speaker and presenter. Click here to view a tentative schedule for the conference.

Azalea City Center for the Arts
Classes for young people, including special needs children, in a variety of disciplines - dance, music, theatre, and visual arts.

Eastern Shore Art Center 
Classes and workshops for adults and children. Visit the Center website and click on "Education." 

Mobile Museum of Art 
For adults - workshops, ongoing classes, and off-site classes; for children and families - after-school classes, spring break art camp, and art for home-schooled children. Visit the Museum website and click on Learn. 

University of South Alabama Center for Continuing Education
Classes in a variety of subjects from personal to professional development opportunities, college prep courses, photography, foreign language, dance, and more! Complete Course List 

Gulf Coast Ethnic & Heritage Jazz Festival:

M. J. Summer Jazz Camp classes focus on music appreciation of legendary jazz giants, noting the uniqueness of their interpretations of the genre, individual instruction on the structure of improvisational style and the important role each instrument plays in carrying out an authentic jazz sound.  Each year the program provides a Master Class experience conducted by a distinguished guest artist. This year we are proud to welcome  jazz artists, composers and educators, The Excelsior Band, as the Artists in Residence and Headliner for the July 31st, virtual jazz concert.  The event will be held at 6 p.m. on Facebook Live through the Gulf Coast Ethnic & Heritage Jazz Festival Page.

Mobile Writers Guild
The Mobile Writers Guild is an organization of professional and aspiring writers. Anyone is welcome to join their monthly meetings at 6 p.m. every first Thursday of the month (September through May) at the West Regional Library on Grelot Road.

Actor's Edge Studio - Middle and High School Classes
Tuesdays from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m., students will explore a variety of acting methods to place in their performance toolkit and also spend some time in the director’s chair!  During this immersive class, students will learn the basics of directing while staging their own scenes.  Actors will also have the option to participate in the AYTE Fall Festival.  $50 per month. Contact Instructor: Eric C. Browne, actorsedgemobile@gmail.com, 256-656-3054.

Play House in the Park: Stage One, Beginners Acting Classes
For ages 6 to 11, classes meet Mondays from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. starting August 17th. The class is offered in 8 or 16-week blocks. See their website for details: http://playhouseinthepark.org/playhouse-actors-studio

Play House in the Park: Repertory Training
For young actors between 12 and 19 years old, classes meet Thursdays from 5 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. throughout the 2020/2021 season. See their website for details: http://playhouseinthepark.org/playhouse-actors-studio

Sunny Side Theatre
This theatre company offers voice lessons, drama and dance classes.

Artists Wanted for Treasures at GulfQuest: The goal in promoting consignment sales at Treasures is to provide a unique shopping experience by featuring area artists’ work, thereby providing an additional source of revenue for the museum, as well as for the artists whose consigned work is offered for sale here. GulfQuest may also choose to resell items that are not locally made for a diverse and unique product offering, but priority will be given to the local handcrafted items. Those interested can review the criteria and consignment agreement


Call for Artists - Exhibition Opportunity with Innova Arts
Interested in showing and selling your art in Midtown Mobile's premier local artist gallery? Email for more information: innovaartsgallery@gmail.com

Alabama Music Box Free Vendor Space
We’ve been playing catch up since we opened but we’re back in the art walk game and have loads of tables, sidewalk, and FEE-FREE space for all of you lovely creative people to share and sell your art from. So come sell your art in the only venue that has a high-art funhouse face haha! If you’d like to set up just send me an email with “ART WALK” in the header with your name and a few pics of your art and we will add you to the art walk event on our FB page and promote your stuff! No cheap imported jewelry or other similar garbage will be allowed. That’s what AMB Flea on Sunday’s are for. Needs to be from your brain and hands, please! Email: Alabamamusicbox@me.com

The Adolph and Esther Gottlieb Emergency Grant Program
On a rolling basis, the Adolph and Esther Gottlieb Emergency Grant program is intended to provide interim financial assistance to qualified painters, printmakers, and sculptors whose needs are the result of an unforeseen, catastrophic incident, and who lack the resources to meet that situation. Each grant is given as one-time assistance for a specific emergency, examples of which are fire, flood, or emergency medical need. Apply for The Adolph and Esther Gottlieb Emergency Grant here.

Call for Artists: Lupercalia Art Society
A new art gallery is open in Downtown Mobile, Alabama. Lupercalia Art Society is looking for established and emerging artists to display in this historic, innovative, and very unique space. Located directly in the middle of the Downtown arts district, it will give painters, potters, glassworkers, woodworkers, fabric artists, metalworkers, sculptors, and anyone who creates two or three-dimensional art a place to showcase their work. It will also be a community where artists can mingle, learn from each other, teach classes, and contribute to fostering the arts not only in our city but throughout the Gulf Coast Region. Signup is available here.

Call for Artists: The Artists' Place at the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer
The Artists’ Place at the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer serves as an arts ministry to the congregation and community. Their intent is to provide works of beauty and aesthetic power in areas of the church where people gather; to provide an outreach to the community by inviting them to display or view local artworks, and to provide an opportunity for people in the community to become familiar with Redeemer and the Episcopal Church. View the exhibition information and agreement for more information!

Call for Artists: Salon West 54 Hundred - Gallery Space
Salon West 54 Hundred is set to open their new “downtown” salon in Midtown on September 1st and are in need of artists. They have 60’ of gallery track with lots of available wall space and an artistic vibe. The commission on sales is 20%. Contact Whitney Vittor at (251) 662-8370 for additional information, or message them on their Facebook page.

Call for Artists: Dauphin Island Gallery - Art Does It
Art Does It (ADI) is an Alabama non-profit with a Federal 501 (c)(3) charitable status, and a Board of Trustees–consisting of artists, business professionals, grant writers, and legal minds– formed in light of the recent need for a permanent art exhibition space on Dauphin Island. ADI and the artists wish to call the former DI welcome center it's home and to operate an artist co-op there. Visit their website to get involved with the gallery!

Call for Artists: Dauphin Island Gallery
Applications are now being accepted for fine artists and handcrafters in Mobile and South Mobile County to show and sell their work in the Dauphin Island Gallery on 918 Bienville Blvd. Contact the Dauphin Island Heritage and Arts Council at 251-490-0294 or  email photos of your work to jury@dauphinislandas.org if you want to apply!

Arts and Crafts Markets

Mobile Arts Council offers a variety of opportunities for artists and craft-makers to sell their handcrafted goods throughout the year.

LoDa ArtWalk

A monthly event jointly sponsored by the City of Mobile’s Special Events Department and Mobile Arts Council. On this evening, local art galleries, institutions, studios and unique shops open their doors for people to come inside to see beautiful artwork, sample delicious foods and hear the sounds of the LoDa ArtWalk. A map can be located on the bottom of the Special Events webpage here. To display inside a gallery during ArtWalk, please contact that gallery directly.

When:  Every second Friday of the month, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Where: LoDa (Downtown Mobile)

Holiday Market

Every year Mobile Arts Council and the City of Mobile’s Special Events Department work together to create the annual Holiday Market, taking place in Mardi Gras Park in early December.

Check back for updates!

Market in the Park

Each year, Mobile Arts Council partners with the City of Mobile’s Special Events Department to produce this market event. Formerly known as Market on the Square, Market in the Park is the same market, located in Cathedral Square in Downtown Mobile. The market features one-of-a-kind arts and crafts produced by local artisans, as well as locally grown produce, seafood, cheese and eggs, honey, flowers and plants, baked goods, pasta, and more.

***Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, vendor participation in Market in the Park in temporarily suspended. Vendors will be notified as soon as participation is safe again.***

When - Seasonal event:


  • Late April through the end of July
  • 7:30 AM until noon


  • Mid October through mid November
  • 7:30 AM until noon

Where: Cathedral Square (Downtown Mobile)

Mobile Galleries

The fourth edition of A Guide to Downtown Art Spaces is now available, listing venues that display original art, both commercial and non-profit organizations devoted specifically to art, as well as businesses for which visual art is an ancillary feature.

The brochure lists each venue’s physical address, phone number, website address and hours of operation. It also features a map showing each venue’s location.

The project has been coordinated by Mobile Arts Council, which hosts a monthly meeting of representatives of downtown art spaces, open to anyone who would like to be involved. Dee Cariglino (dee c. design) is responsible for the look and layout of the publication, and the printing was provided in part by Optera Creative.