Gift Guide Classes

“No gift is greater than the gift of knowledge.” – Shri Yogendraji
Azalea City Center for the Arts
The Azalea City Center for the Arts, Inc. provides opportunities for children and adults to explore the world of artistic expression through quality educational programs, recitals, and performance opportunities. Peruse their site to get your child enrolled in their next favorite class.
Coastal Makers, is a family friendly studio, featuring classes and maker events for both adults and children lead by Kari Ransom. Look to their online calendar for upcoming classes and visit Kari at her new location within the Central Arts Collective.
Round But Square Studios is a children’s art studio that focuses on the process of creating instead of the final product. Kids are free to explore and learn through discovery and are encouraged to think outside the box. Purchase an art class for your child today!
Small Craft Studio is located on the third floor of Central Arts Collective. Don’t miss upcoming class dates! This is the perfect opportunity to treat yourself or a friend while getting in the holiday spirit.