Dorothy Parker
Dates: November 1-30, 2017
Quilt by Dorothy Parker
Market in the Park visitors might recognize Dorothy Parker’s unique, geometric patterns from her booth at Cathedral Square. Parker was born in Winfield Kansas in 1934 has always sewn as a hobby (and for extra cash). She started making hats and purses about 15 years ago, and eventually graduated to quilting. Long-time market vendor and first-time featured artist at MAC, Parker’s quilts will hang on display in the Small Room this November. Be sure to stop by and take a look at her bold handcrafted designs. Meet the artists during ArtWalk on Friday, November 10th from 6 – 9 PM. The exhibition will be available to see from 9 – 5 on weekdays and during Market in the Park hours throughout the month of November. We will be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday.