
Donate Today to Make Art Accessible to All

It’s the end of another great year here at the Mobile Arts Council. Our staff of three have worked tirelessly throughout the year, and with the help of patrons like yourself, we have been able to accomplish amazing feats. Most notably, Charting New Directions, our youth education program, has grown tremendously.

Have you spotted the window installations downtown and murals throughout the county? They are the result of our education programming at The James T. Strickland Youth Center and The Boys & Girls Clubs of South Alabama.

We have great programs and projects ready for 2019, but we can’t do it without your continued support. As you give during the holiday season, we ask that you consider allocating your end of the year gift to the Mobile Arts Council. Your gift could help open the door for arts education to underserved youth and enriching our life with more public art.

Together we can work towards making art accessible to all. 


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