Azalea City Art Quilters
Dates: September 1-30, 2017
“Orangey Creature from the Black Lagoon” by Anne Godwin
The Azalea City Art Quilters, established 2004, are members of the Azalea City Quilters Guild, Inc. Using innovative techniques and materials, their art quilts are inspired by their own experiences, imagery and ideas rather than traditional patterns. The Art Quilters enjoy doing both individual and group projects, expanding the viewer’s concept of what a quilt is or can be. Their motto: nO RuLeS. The group’s newest group project, Under the Sea, has made its premier at MAC. Each quilter ice-dyed the background fabric, then created her vision of what was underwater. Meet the artists on ArtWalk night, September 8, from 6 – 9 PM! The show will be available to see from 9 AM – 5 PM on weekdays throughout the month of September.