MAC April Exhibition: Five
Date(s) - April 1, 2018 - April 30, 2018
12:00 am
Mobile Arts Council
5 is a juried exhibition of work by students at the area’s five colleges and universities, sponsored every other year by Mobile Arts Council (MAC). Entry was open to any student – not only students studying art – enrolled during any part of the 2017 -2018 academic year at Bishop State Community College, Coastal Alabama Community College, Spring Hill College, the University of Mobile, or the University of South Alabama. The exhibition will hang in our galleries from Monday, April 2 through Friday, April 27, with a reception and awards ceremony during the LoDa ArtWalk on Friday, April 13 between 6 – 9 PM. Prizes (including cash and gift certifcates) will be awarded the evening of the reception. Admission: Free Contact: 251-432-9796