Andra Bohnet, USA Faculty Flute Recital

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Date(s) - September 3, 2024
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

USA Laidlaw Performing Arts Center


Flutist Andra Bohnet, Professor of Music, will present her Faculty Recital on Tuesday, September 3, at 7:30 p.m. in the Laidlaw Performing Arts Center Recital Hall. The recital will feature two types of works – chamber music with strings, and then a significant work by a major composer for flute and piano – Franz Schubert’s Introduction and Variations on a Theme “Ihr Bümlein Alle,” op. 160. The Schubert is a tour de force for both the flutist and pianist. Dr. Robert Holm, who will be playing piano said, “This is a piece that has been on my bucket list for a long time,” and Dr. Bohnet replied, “the piano part is so challenging nobody has ever wanted to play it before,” thus the occasion for this performance.

As for the “chamber music with strings” portion of this concert, composer David Ott will conduct both Vivaldi’s Concerto No. 2 in G minor, “La Notte,” RV 439  and his own Concerto for Alto Flute and Strings with Bohnet and a group of Mobile Symphony and USA faculty string players. “It is so exciting to be performing a work like this under the baton of the composer,” said Bohnet, “and I just love playing the alto flute! And the Vivaldi is lagniappe!!”