
Mobile Arts Council: Virtual July ArtWalk

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Date(s) - July 10, 2020
1:00 pm

Mobile Arts Council


July’s Virtual ArtWalk will take place on Friday, July 10th, starting at 1 p.m. This event will feature live content, prize giveaways, and more from local artists, arts organizations and businesses – including virtual tours, cooking demonstrations, musical performances, educational talks, and more!

This month’s event will happen in conjunction with MOB MUSIC FEST Virtual Experience, starting at 5 p.m.

Just click the DISCUSSION tab on this page, or visit the LODA ArtWalk page to see Friday’s scheduled content! We will share an official schedule on this page. Visit the Mobile Arts Council’s website to see additional content and a listing of artists and organizations you can support that are not included in the official ArtWalk schedule here:

In accordance to governor Ivey’s Public Gathering Order, all non-work related gatherings of any size, including drive-in gatherings, that cannot maintain a consistent six-foot distance between persons from different households are prohibited, and we do not condone any offerings that conflict with that order.
We encourage all attendees to consider purchasing artwork from a local creative or donating to an arts organization that they would typically support at this time. Click “attending” on the event page to be eligible for prize drawings. Let’s stay #MobileStrong and #SupportTheArts during #VirtualArtWalk and #VirtualLoDa!